About me
Some Cool Facts:
Numbers Speak For Themselves...
I am an experiment in learning....
At all points in life you need to teach yourself something, or be taught by someone!
It’s good to sit at the feet of people that know more than you, ask questions, try things, work on problems, decide for yourself how stuff works. There are always people that know more. You don’t have to strive to be like them, because you will fail. Be yourself!
Take my life for instance. Back in the 80s computers were just starting. I started my computer experiment on a TRS-80 computer a 16kb machine. No, not 16 tera-bytes, or even 16 mega bytes, 16 kilobytes. This was only 20kb less than the Space Shuttle (which was then a modern marvel!) When I first started, I was working with a 400 baud modem. Services like AOL, Compuserve, Google, Amazon, YouTube did not exist. If you wanted to learn something you taught it to yourself.
Beginning with the BASIC programming language, I programed many thousands of lines of code through trial and error. There were no compilers or automatic debuggers. If you mistyped a ; for a : or a S for a $, it might be days or weeks before you saw the effects of the error. Then you would spend hours looking for the little bugger.
Eventually, technology improved, I moved on to a DOS based system, Microsoft was just starting, Apple was still on the cutting edge. Say what you will about the war between Gates and Jobs, who cares now. Very rich men now (sadly one has departed). They had the dream to continue to innovate and teach the world new things, and give the world new tools. Windows, Mac…it was a wonder...
I was on the cutting edge, no, I did not invent anything, nor am I rich or famous like the men above. Yet I was learning. However, I never thought I was good enough or smart enough, to take the next step and throw my hopes into my endeavors.
When I was 16, I started a Bulletin Board System. Regardless about what Mr. Gore says, those systems of interconnecting computers through the phone lines were the precursors to the internet. It was amazing to exchange programs, games, documents, etc, at 1200 baud, where it would take 4 hours to get a 1 megabyte file. Eventually 2400, then 9600 baud, 14400 took maybe an hour.
Now over the last 30 years, Computer power increased and my Knowledge now has expanded utilize to VBA, SQL, Java, Python. HTML, and several other programming languages , software packages, and protocols. I also have the CompTIA A+ certification, a Bachelors Degree, and have helped 100’s of clients with their computer needs. I look forward to helping you.